U.S. Humanitarian Alliance

Supporting ethical multiparty candidates—a realistic path to a humanitarian administration in 2024.

3 party pie

The path to a national Humanitarian Alliance:

1. Identify the new majority.

The new majority is conscious, informed to varying degrees, ethical, and sees themselves and others as equals. We can regard this new majority as humanitarians.

While we may not agree with everything, we have enough in common to form a new majority and move the country forward—before it regresses for four more years.

2. Form a team to facilitate the alliance.

Modern presidential candidates usually spend over $100 million on election staffing and campaigns. This creates a barrier for entry in many cases.

The urgency of the 2024 election season is enough to warrant volunteers in the absence of a fully funded campaign team, while other teams building profitable projects that, once profitable, can pay the political administration retroactively.

Through organized efforts, we can work together online and in person, launch marketing campaigns through social media and other mediums, and engage with voters in-person in every county.

3. Discuss, choose policies.

Certain rights must be protected. Humanitarianism only works when every group and individual has equal rights at the human level. We can call these Secured Rights. Any new policies introduced must not violate these secured rights.

Next to Secured Rights, citizens and ethical thought leaders discuss and vote on policies that cover every aspect of government, from domestic to foreign policy.

This is where we get the country we deserve, instead of the “lesser evil”: rights protected, funds allocated to society’s growth, and actions taken to improve quality of life in education, healthcare, career, peace policies, prison reform, and climate change, to name a few.

4. Identify humanitarian candidates.

Humanitarian politicians are those who understand what society wants and deserves, and take action to realize these ideals. They articulate citizens’ desires for the countrym and act by introducing and approving corresponding bills.

Ideally, the Humanitarian Alliance should have the ability to impeach and replace its own candidates should they vote astray from the outlined policies. Legal and public policy consultants can strategize how to achieve this.

Existing politicians may be able to run on the humanitarian alliance ticket, provided that they have a track record for ethical effort, advocacy, and judgment, and adhere to our desired policies, not acting outside of the supermajority’s interests.

5. Vote for the country you desire.

Once society and candidates are aligned on what we want, we make our desires into reality by showing up in large numbers at the polls.

Videos on the Humanitarian Alliance

Learn more about the Humanitarian Alliance through the below video compilation.

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You are invited to help build the administration, learn how to support ongoing efforts with less commitment by filling out this interest form.